Meet Eric

Motivational Speaker and A former basketball player

Global Motivational Speaker | Eric Bailey Global
shape | Eric Bailey Global


Global Motivational Speaker


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As Featured On

Featured FOX-CBS-NBC | Eric Bailey Global

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Professional Speakers Australia (PSA)

Enjoying being The Speaker


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Eric's Quotes

The only thing that matters is what you have in your heart and what you’re prepared to do to ignite a burning desire to succeed in life.

Eric Bailey

Global Motivational Speaker
Passion keeps you focussed on your vision.

Eric Bailey

Global Motivational Speaker
Your ability isn’t dependent on what you perceive as your limitations. You are perfect for your purpose.

Eric Bailey

Global Motivational Speaker
Whatever you were born to do, you are equipped to get it done.

Eric Bailey

Global Motivational Speaker
If you want to succeed at something, first you must make it a priority.

Eric Bailey

Global Motivational Speaker
When you discover your dreams, you will also discover your ability.

Eric Bailey

Global Motivational Speaker
You will never be successful in your vision until you truly understand your potential.

Eric Bailey

Global Motivational Speaker
The ability to see yourself in the future begins with the realization that the future starts in the present.

Eric Bailey

Global Motivational Speaker
To motivate is to take a broken state of mind and mend it with a CHAMPION attitude.

Eric Bailey

Global Motivational Speaker
The difference between success and failure is really how you look at it.

Eric Bailey

Global Motivational Speaker

Clients and Counting


Years of Experience


Countries Visited



1 and counting


What sets Eric apart

Throughout his career

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